
manhard avatar image
manhard asked

Mppt history clock

A friend of mine to whom I sold a new Mppt smartsolar 150/60 from the manufacturer complained to me about the time at which the MPPT considers its production days in the history, we are in Quebec and our time is standard time for eastern canada/united states but according to his graph the time at which the history completes his day would be shifted by 6h and there seems to be no way to modify this time in the settings of the regulator, even connected to the cerbo GX the hours do not synchronize together...

What to do!

I think he have this version 1.61, that is not available by victron connect yet and as i saw other member complain about the same it doés not seam to have an answer to this yet

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Day start/end come from sunrise/sunset based on panel voltages. I don't know of a way to override this.

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