
akromex avatar image
akromex asked

BMV-712 high A and W numbers

Our customer has a problem with BMV-712 Smart

firmware v2.92

Voltage number OK for 48 V system

but the current and Wattage numbers are high like 1000 A

for shunt 500/50. We have advised to make the restart but

no changes.

BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·
1 comment
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Also make sure the shunt values under miscellaneous has not been messed with.
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akromex avatar image
akromex answered ·

Many thanks, it seems that there is something else wrong, in the VRM MV-712 Smart
firmware v2.92 VRM Portal ID c0619ab208cf
Voltage number OK for 48 V system
we can see the current MV-712 Smart
firmware v2.92 VRM Portal ID c0619ab208cf

the current 1014A and Wattage number 48000W

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