
marka avatar image
marka asked

Orion-Tr Smart 12/12-30 overheating ?

Hi. I have a project changing AGM Batteries on a boat to Lithium. I spoke with a dealer about the project. I have two alternators with 120 A and really like all the victron products. But instead of the two Orion he recommended a product from another brand because the Orion is known to overheat he said. Are there any known problems with the orions ? Whould that fit to my alternators or are there other victron options if a problem with the orions ins known. Thank you for the help

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
minmin avatar image
minmin answered ·

I heard this too and decided to forge ahead with the orions regardless. I just made a cooling fan relay for them so that way i could keep all devices victron and on the same smart network.

Unfortunately it seems that victron has not even done smart integration with them despite being sold as "smart" devices with Bluetooth they DO NOT have the ability to join a smart network to receive charging profile instructions from my victron devices. This leads to overcharging if they click on while the batteries are full (they always go into bulk-abs first) so you still need another relay or manual way to prevent them from starting to charge and not just go off of "engine on" detection.

There are forum posts dating back two or three years asking for Bluetooth integration but nothing yet and I'm quite disappointed given my work to build a cooling system for them.

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marka avatar image marka commented ·
Thank you very much
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djsmiley avatar image
djsmiley answered ·

Yes, the Orions run pretty hot. They have made some changes in the past in the design, see for the affected units.

I'm only wondering why you want to run multiple Orions if you (seem) to have a dedicated alternator for the battery bank.

Why not running the dedicated alternator directly using a proper controller? About the same price as 2 Orions (maybe even a little cheaper) and allows you to charge with up to 120A. (Wakespeed WS500, Mastervolt Alpha). The WS500 is also nativly supported by VenusOS:

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marka avatar image marka commented ·
Thank you Mastervolt Alpha is what the dealer recommended . Will take a look at the WS500 too
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