
taddy avatar image
taddy asked

Solar panel on roof - spacing and regulations...?


Hope you are all well. Just about to put up a number of largish canadian solar panels on my concrete-tiled roof and wondering if anyone knows of a good source of info wrt regulations and spacing recommendations. I am living in the UK so British regs would be good but any general tips/advice would also be welcome. I am aware that the panels should not come higher than the hieight of the ridge and also need to not be more than 20cm distant from the surface of the roof. I was told that you also need to keep them far enough back from the lower edge to avoid water run off missing the gutter - though I'm not sure what a good distance would be. My roof has quite a shallow incline. Also how would one determine the total load bearing capacity of a roof? My neighbours all have similar roofs and many have panels with no extra reinforcement to their roof timber as far as a know but my panels are a little larger and heavier.

Also, my Renusol roof hooks are a little short so the arm is hitting the tile below when the hook is attached directly to the rafters. I need some kind of spacer to push them away from the rafter by 8mm-15mm depending on the location. Any ideas what I can use? People have suggested using plywood or thin slices of wood - would that be sufficient? Renusol sell spacers but I am having difficulty sourcing them and also I need different thicknesses.



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3 Answers
daver-1 avatar image
daver-1 answered ·

I can not answer your question.

But keep in mind that there may be ‘exclusion zones’ where no solar panels are allowed, depending on the roof mounting system used. These zones exist because winds are strongest around the edges of roofs. Installing away from the roof edge reduces wind loading on the panels and makes them less likely to be damaged or even torn off in a storm.

For questions about the bearing capacity of a roof, you should contact a structural engineer.

If you use plywood for spacers, know that they will be in all weather conditions, and probably wear with time. Think also about the wind bearing capacity of those self made spacers. A manufacturer will only sell a certified product if it's tested in a wind tunnel.

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taddy avatar image taddy commented ·
Thanks for your help! I'll bear all that in mind.
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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

A friend has recently received the following in a quotation.

Weight of solar panels and mounting 154.5 kg
Area of solar array 11.8 m2
Loading imposed by solar array 0.13 kN/m2
Dead load from roof covering 0.34 kN/m2
Total dead load of solar array, mounting and roof covering 0.47 kN/m2
Permitted dead load 0.785 kN/m2

So the weight of the panels is small compared with the slates and could be 3x as much and still within the permitted load.

I have seen margins of 200mm at the gutter and 300mm at a verge (gable end) specified. I would want more in a windy/exposed situation. My own roof has 400 and 650.

You could use roofing batten for the spacers, the wood is pressure-treated with preservative. Plywood will de-laminate unless it is marine ply. Screwfix sell plastic shims/spacers for adjusting door frames and kitchen cabinets. Use long enough screws to give a secure fixing in the rafters after taking account of the spacer thickness.

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taddy avatar image taddy commented ·
Awesome - thanks sharpener!
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anthony avatar image
anthony answered ·
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taddy avatar image taddy commented ·
Thanks Anthony!
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