
marinolab avatar image
marinolab asked

MPPT 150/100 MC4: 3 parallel accesses

A simple question:

If I have a group of 9 panels (3 in series and 3 in parallel) that develop 100V and 30A with a MPPT 150/100 MC4 obviously that's fine.

But if I want to add 2 more groups of panels with the same charge, is the same MPPT enough since it has 3 inputs in parallel?

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

MPPT output is rated at 100A so 4800W at 48V or 1200W at 12V. It is efficient to oversubscribe panels by 30% so adding more panels than this would be a waste and require another or a larger mppt.

Use the mppt calculator on the Victron site.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Marinolab

The 150/100 has a maximum current of 70A (Isc) allowed on the pv side.

MC4 connectors are rated 30A, so that why there's 3 pairs available. But don't go over the 70A.

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marinolab avatar image
marinolab answered ·

impianto2.jpg (1.4 MiB)
impianto2.pdf (2.9 MiB)
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