
Lawrence Pasierb avatar image
Lawrence Pasierb asked

Regulate My Multi-plus 2


I'll be moochdocking at my sisters in SW Texas this winter and want to use my Solar for the most part and use her electric if I need it. What is my best setting if I hook up to her electric? She has 30amp at her outdoor post. Should I switch my "Shore to 15amps" or should I switch to "Inverter Only"? Or do I disconnect during the day and hook up at night? I have descent sun but can't tilt my panels the way I want, but with 600amps to fill, I can do it most days. I just want a back up if it gets cloudy and can't get a good solar charge.

Thanks for any suggestions,


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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

The Multi will prioritize shore power over battery/solar power so you have a couple of options:

Manually switch the Multi to Invert Only when you want to run off batteries and switch to On when you want to charge your batteries.

Reprogram the Multi with an "assistant" that will ignore the AC input based on factors such as SOC and/or load. Some have also used the generator start/stop assistant to control when the grid is used. Assistants can only be programed using the Windows-only veconfig app. (VictronConnect currently doesn't support assistants.)

The input current limit will only control how MUCH shore power is used but not when or for what. Plus there is a minimum setting (that is, it can't be set to zero).

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Lawrence Pasierb avatar image Lawrence Pasierb commented ·
Kevin, Thanks for the reply. It is greatly appreciated. I'll try both and see what works best for me.

Have a wonderful day,


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