
marconi avatar image
marconi asked

I am looking for the pinout of RJ45 UTP Cable

When I use an ordinary LAN cable to connect VE-Bus from the MPII Inverter to Cerbo-GX my system shows an error on the MPII-3000-35-48 and stops charging from MPPT250-70.
So what is the pinout of the VE-Bus cables please?

wiring diagram
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1 Answer
ajmacleod avatar image
ajmacleod answered ·

It's just a standard straight-through LAN patch cable (NOT a crossover cable.) So long as the colours are same at each end it should work; these are normally wired as per T568B though.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Problem is probably low quality cables, or lower speed lan cables which do not have all pins wired.

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marconi avatar image marconi kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Thank you, but I tried different LAN cables, even a high end Telegärtner as we use in Broadcast tech. from GX VE-Bus to MPII VE-Bus. Even tried a terminator, but nothing helped. The pinouts are strange anyway. Many VE devives need very unusual wiring. Why not make it all 1:1 pin cables? Well anyway, I ordered two original cables from Victron, just in case and who cares...;-)
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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ marconi commented ·

The cables are not unusual. They are standard T568B wiring 1:1 cables.

They are like this on both ends, nothing unusual:

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