
potgieter avatar image
potgieter asked

Weekly Timetable programming

Are they working on a system that you can click on weekly timetable where you can set when you use from grid/pv/battery or pv/grid/battery or pv/battery grid ?

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Can you explain more about what you are trying to do and why?

ESS is designed to manage itself within set parameters automatically.

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potgieter avatar image potgieter nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

i'm pasting this video, that explains :

I want to program when grid is used, when battery is used

I want my grid to "go on" at around 18:00 to 23:00, as my aircon is on and it drains the battery, now I must change the SOC everytime otherwise the battery will be low when loadshedding starts.

thanks a million

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sharpener avatar image sharpener potgieter commented ·

If you are using ESS then you can program a scheduled charge with Stop on SoC = 5%. Then it will not actually charge provided SoC is >5% but nevertheless will inhibit inverting and force consumption from the grid. (Some view this behaviour as a design fault but it suits your purposes.)

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potgieter avatar image potgieter sharpener commented ·
Works great thanks
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ potgieter commented ·

@Potgieter You can enable node red on your cerbo as well, then use it's flows to create a time-based schedule that either drops your inverter limit (can choose how much you want to use, so it doesn't flatten the battery) for an amount of time, or raises your SOC thresholds etc.

I had the same requirement ages ago before I upgraded, and before node red was so tightly integrated.

Node red does require a little practice and some logic/coding understanding, but it isn't too difficult.

ESS schedules can also help, as already mentioned, where you can choose when to discharge your batteries, and to charge them.

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potgieter avatar image potgieter nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Do you maybe know someone in south africa to assist me in setting up node-red on ccgx? thanks
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ potgieter commented ·
I am in SA, but ccgx can't run node red. You'd need to upgrade to a Cerbo. It requires resources that the ccgx doesn't have.
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potgieter avatar image potgieter nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
thanks for feedback, appreciate it
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sharpener avatar image sharpener nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Have you tried using the Scheduled Charge method, that doesn't need Node Red?
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potgieter avatar image potgieter sharpener commented ·
it works great thanks a million!!
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