
finhobbyist avatar image
finhobbyist asked

Phoenix 12/500 Fuses Help


My 12/500 has 3x35A fuses internal.

Does one just add the three to get the total internal fuse rating?

Many thanks

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1 Answer
ahtrimble avatar image
ahtrimble answered ·

I am a little lost...why are you interested in the "total internal fuse rating" of the unit?

What exactly are you trying to fuse?

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finhobbyist avatar image finhobbyist commented ·
Hi, I am still new in this endeavour.

I was just wondering how the fuse setup works with three fuses.

I know that my fuse by the 105A battery needs to be 70A.

With three 35A internal fuses; will the 70A still blow before one of them?

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ahtrimble avatar image ahtrimble finhobbyist commented ·
Correctly fuse the wire from battery to your inverter based on the wire size...or use a good quality DC circuit breaker. The wire size should be stated by the inverter manual. I like to upsize the wire by one size. Example: if recommendation is 1/0, I go to 2/0.

If your batteries already have an on/off switch, great! If not, put a good BlueSea battery switch inline with the fuse. If you use a DC circuit breaker then no switch or fuse is needed because the circuit breaker acts as both. Don't fuse or use a circuit breaker on the negative side of the battery, it needs a clear path to ground.

Remember the fuse or circuit breaker is there to protect the wire.

The internal fuses are to protect the equipment and should not blue unless a catastrophic failure.

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