
davidwilsondoors avatar image
davidwilsondoors asked

Multiplus 2 VE.bus not communicating

I have the following commented - a battery monitor via the VE direct port, a solar charger via the internal VE direct port. When i now go onto my device list it says that the VE.Bus system was last updated an hour ago whereas all the others are showing last seen within the last minute. I have added the ESS assistant as well to try to use the solar energy generated and that is where it has all started to go a bit wrong. img-8398-copy.jpg

img-8398-copy.jpg (240.1 KiB)
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davidwilsondoors avatar image davidwilsondoors commented ·

Just to add some more detail when you go on VRM and look at all the plots all the ones with ve.bus are not showing anything at all it just says no data to display. The inverter is outputting power but it just doesn't show anything is outputting on the dashboard (just has "-" in the AC input box).

It also means that the solar is only charging the battery and once the battery is full isn't being used for anything else (doesn't power any loads or go back into the grid)

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davidwilsondoors avatar image davidwilsondoors commented ·
It also just says hub-1 off on the front of the machine rather than anything about power output. It also has some stats about the solar power but that's it
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davidwilsondoors avatar image davidwilsondoors commented ·

When i also go on the remote console it says that the multiplus 2 i not connected. I dont really understand that as I have the multiplus 2 GX therefore not sure how it can be not connected? I have connected something (battery monitor) to the internal port on the board on the inside and I also checked that the internal ethernet cable is still connected which it is.

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3 Answers
bile024 avatar image
bile024 answered ·

Hi David!

Did you find the solution to the problem?

I'm having the exact same problem on my setup.

Could you help me out?

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delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

Are you trying to configure the Multiplus with a USB-VE.bus Mk3 adapter? When the adapter is plugged into the Multiplus, nothing will be sent to VRM. Unplug the adapter and it will be visible again.

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bile024 avatar image
bile024 answered ·

No, the Multiplus is conected to a Cerbo GX, but the Cerbo loses comunication to the Multiplus. The Multiplus is working correctly(it inverts), but on the VRM is no data at all from the inverter, and if I look in the device list, the VE Bus System shows "last seen xx minutes ago". If I restart the Multi, that dosen't help at all. If I try to reboot the Cerbo from the Remote console, it dosen't help. But if I unplug the Cerbo from the powersuply, and reconect it to power, after it reboots, ther's data again.

What can cause this?

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