
yaute avatar image
yaute asked

Multiplus II : What are the SN ranges 4 both 2623 & 2626 hardware?

It would be great to identify to link the user manual of the product to a SN range.
Will it be compatible to mix both hardware 2623 and 2626 in // or/and tri?

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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The compatibility ist not related to the SN it is related to the HW.
All units have to have the same HW ID.

2623 and 2626 can't be used together. You need all units as 2623 or 2626.

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yaute avatar image
yaute answered ·

Thanks for your answer Matthis,

You should be right but I'm still not 100% sure. It is important for us because we have many installations w 2, 3 or 6 MP 5KVA and I wondering if we have to keep some MP as spare parts.

I've asked this question after having read the doc you refer but this doc mentions "All units in one system must be the same type and firmware version", VE didn't write "same HW or same PN".

I agree the compatibility is related to the HW but a new HW is related to a new PN so a new range of SN.


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Robert Boerescu avatar image
Robert Boerescu answered ·

Is there a guide we can use for choosing a multi 2 compatible with my unit? I have an EasySolar 2 3000va produced in hq2038. I was thinking that I can parallel or three-phase it with any multi 2 48/3000/35-32. Thanks.

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Robert Boerescu avatar image Robert Boerescu commented ·

Hw rev06 on the label.

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