
kurtinge avatar image
kurtinge asked

Make the use of the AC input for Venus on Raspberry

Is there a easy way to make the "AC Input" show how many watt is coming into the system when connected to shore power? Will ex a ET112 or another current sensors be able to do that through USB or the GPIO ?

Installation consist of following equipment

  • Victron Venus v3.00~4
  • Vicron MPPT
  • Victron SmartShunt
  • Victron Phoenix Inverter
  • 3rd party charger from shore (Cristec CPS3)

Venus OSRaspberry Pi
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1 Answer
Louis van der Walt avatar image
Louis van der Walt answered ·

In all the latest Venus firmwares there is an option under settings called Energy Meters. There you can set up the role each meter does in your system. If you add an ET112 on the AC input you can then measure that, or even set that meter as the grid point.

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kurtinge avatar image kurtinge commented ·

Do you know how to connect the ET112 to the Raspberry? Can it be done through USB or GPIO ?

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Louis van der Walt avatar image Louis van der Walt kurtinge commented ·

The best is to use a USB-RS485 converter. You can also use a RS485 HAT that works through the GPIO, but for that you need to add a line or two to the raspberry's config file. With the USB option it is plug-and-play.

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kurtinge avatar image kurtinge Louis van der Walt commented ·
Ok, thanks @Louis van der Walt. I already have a USB-RS485 converter so i guess this will do the job. As the ET112 is a bit expencive for my use I also was looking for a cheaper alternative. There are a lot of cheap current sensors out there which are sending RS485, but I don't know if these also could be used?
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Louis van der Walt avatar image Louis van der Walt kurtinge commented ·

Not all meters are supported. Other than the ET112 and larger range the ABB meters are also supported now from VenusOS 2.92

If you want to add others you will need to get/code a driver for them - not so easy but not impossible.

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