
adrian-arbib avatar image
adrian-arbib asked

Multiplus 1 & G99 compliant relay DNO acceptance

Has any one had experience of getting a Multiplus (1) 5000 and a UVFR G99 relay through DNO compliance for a grid connection in the UK ?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

I would not expect this to be accepted even with a UVFR.
The older MultiPlus 1 devices, due to hardware limitations, are not G98 or G99 compliant for grid interactive operation, I think you already know this. A good DNO would simply reject it based on that fact that it has no certificate.
A UVFR device would not suffice because it's only half of the picture, it would only respond to Voltage and frequency conditions. A grid interactive compliant device also needs to respond to certain reactive conditions while it remains connected.

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