
moverm avatar image
moverm asked

Battery Balancer With Negative Ground


I have a battery array with 4x 12V AGM battery for an output of 24V that was discharging and charging not equally so we got ourself a battery balancer module. Problem is that the negative of the array is connected to the ground for lightning and safety purpose since the system is powering DC Pumps.

I cannot see in the manual if the balancer module can be used with grouned negative. If it is, what would be the ideal wiring.

Thanks !

GroundingBattery Balancer
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2 Answers
ingo21 avatar image
ingo21 answered ·

what kind of battery balancer module do you have ?

brand and type ?

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moverm avatar image
moverm answered ·

Victron Battery Balancer

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Ground, earth and electrical safety

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