
Josep morancho avatar image
Josep morancho asked

Multiplus II and AC-DC grounding

This is a estandard off-grid installation: solar panels, mppt smartsolar charger, pylontech batteries, cerbo gx and multplus II 48/5000/70.

I have two diferent and separated grounding circuits for DC and AC with its own ground pikes. Additonally, both grounding circuits will be connected to the main equipotential busbar of the lightning ground box with via sparks (solar panels structure also has its own grounding connected with via sparks to the equipotential busbar) to assure proper equipotential grounding between all ground circuits

Said that my understabding would be that multiplus chassis grounding should be connected to DC grounding circuit and AC-OUT PE terminal to AC grounding circuit

Am I right?


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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

This diagram might help you:

Also bear in mind that the AC PE terminal is also connected to the MultiPlus chassis.

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Josep morancho avatar image Josep morancho commented ·

But this is a marine installation when you dont have a float negative dc pole.

What about an earth off-grid installation when you have a float negative dc pole and 2 diferent DC and AC grounding circuit.

Must the ground multiplus chassis pole be conected to DC or AC grounding circuit?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Josep morancho commented ·
@Josep morancho

AC grounding of the chassis of the inverter.

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Josep morancho avatar image Josep morancho Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Thanks Alexandra. After your answer it raised some additional doubts to me.

I was planning to ground also the SmartSolar chassis to the DC grounding circuit where the pylontech batteries chassis will be atached.

Is this correct?

I understand that smartsolar chassis is isolated from dc positive and negative poles.

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