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hansgeorgk asked

MPPT 250/70 in Easysolar 2 GX 24/3000 stops charging below at approx 25.5V


the MPPT 250/70 in my Easysolar 2 GX 24/3000 stops charging at approx 25.5V. See screenshots. Batteries (LifePo4, 280AH) are at approx 20% :-(

I started using the LifPO preset

Batteries did not charge and using AC input MPPT went into ERR#38.

I found one article describing a workaround using AGM settings and adjust voltages

bildschirmfoto-2022-10-29-um-173927.pngI can now load the Batteries using AC input and I am not getting Err#38 any more.

Still issue with PV charging is not solved ...

any ideas what is going on?

MPPT Controllers
2 |3000

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