
Charlie avatar image
Charlie asked

too many buzzing noise complains coming from Multiplus-II

wow, searching the community there's just too many complains about transformers sound level. Definitely not suited for apartments.. Whats your opinion?

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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Carlos,

One important thing to note in your research is the serial number of the MultiPlus-II (both that you might be purchasing, and that is being reported/the complaint).

The electronics design in the MP-IIs has been improved to run the fan better and have it make less noise.

The control, and thus the noise, is improved for all speeds except full speed. In other words, at 100% fan speed, there is no difference between the old and the new models.


This fan noise improvement is seperate to a frequency hum from the transformer, which will be the same (and also depends a lot on the local grid AC input).

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Charlie avatar image Charlie commented ·

Hi @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

The fan noise is not an issue according to my research. As you stated, Its the frecuency hum from the transformer. What's the quietest Victron inverter in that regard for US grid system 120v or 120/240? I'm willing to pay more for a quieter experience.


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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

I can confirm the fan improvements are much better than the older units. A welcome change.

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iand avatar image iand commented ·
Hi @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

Can you clarify when external fans are turned on, assuming this is done using an assistant?

Is this as soon as the internal fans start, only when they reach 100% speed, or somewhere in between?

Thanks :-)

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baxter avatar image baxter commented ·

Very interesting, thanks for the update on the fan noise topic. May I ask you to provide more details on the improvment of the electronics design? Is it the PWM signal of the fan? Thanks in advance!
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grobalt avatar image grobalt commented ·
Would be nice to know what the modification looks like .. there are many users that would like to adopt the solution to existing setups.
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peterthemoose avatar image peterthemoose commented ·

Dear @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

How about frequency humming noise from the transformer? Have you found any solution for that? I just got 3 pcs. of MultiPlus-II 48/8000/110-100 230V installed in my garage and hear that humming all over the house. I will have to return them if my installer finds no solution for that.

Best regards!

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tyr avatar image
tyr answered ·

I have 3 HQ2210 units with really awful fan noise - is the improvement a software fix (better, less choppy pwm regulation) or a hardware improvement?

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie commented ·

About time too!! so is this a hardware fix or software fix?

What about older versions that need fixing?

The only fix i found to make is much quiter was a fan change and rubber mountings and a capactor across the fan terminals.

Maybe Victron should supply a kit to effected models that can't be fixed ?

Rob D


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morres83 avatar image morres83 Rob Duthie commented ·
Hi Rob,

unfortunately I think your question for HW or SW fix has not been answered. Do you have more information? I have a new Victron and the SN begins with HQ2223, so I assume I have still a noisy one (it hasn't been installed yet) and the change mentioned above is on HW side.

Now, since some time has been passed, do you think your solution with SUNON and 47uF is still the best way to go?



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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ morres83 commented ·

I know there has been good success with significantly reducing fan noise by just replacing the fans with a good quality one ($) from Sunon. No caps added just a fan swap.

RS catalogue number is 7588276.

You need to accept whatever risk/warranty loss comes with a modification.

Having compared the old inverter to the newer one, the improvement is massive and there is probably a good business opportunity to retrofit to some installations.

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie morres83 commented ·
Hi Yes it is, this is what i do for my clients who i install for due the noise issue.

Replace fan, fit cap, and vibration mounting fitted to make it more exceptable.


Rob D


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maa avatar image
maa answered ·

Too bad, I had one HQ2211


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