
tony-martin avatar image
tony-martin asked

0.8V at PV Controller terminal

Hi All

I have a MPPT 75/15 SmartSolar Charge Controller. I have a 200W Solar Panel. When I check the voltage in good sunlight the panel is putting out 20.9V. When I hook it up to the comtroller I only read 0.8V at the PV terminals of the controller.

Is this normal?

Cheers and thanks from any advice in advance.

Tony M

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Normally a such a low PV voltage reading will indicate reverse polarity connection of the PV panels.

Please check the PV polarity.

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tony-martin avatar image tony-martin commented ·
Thank you and will do

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tony-martin avatar image tony-martin tony-martin commented ·
100% spot on I messed up polarity when I made an Anderson plug harness.
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