
guy-cashmore avatar image
guy-cashmore asked

Multi2 Grid Code (LOM) temporary disable?

Is it possible to temporarily disable grid code LOM detection on Multis any way other than using VEConfigure 3? Ideally using an auxiliary input?

I have a grid connected ESS system using Multis, I've installed a changeover switch on the input line to allow me to connect a generator in the case of a prolonged grid cut, but it won't sync with LOM active.

Yes I know it would have been better to buy Quattros, but its too late!

The current arrangement works, but it's a PITA having to get the laptop out if I want to put the generator on, then do it again to go back to grid.

Thanks, Guy

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

This would not be possible.
The fact that you need "specialist software" - VE.Configure and the grid code password to alter this setting is a requirement from most, if not all of the network operators and is how grid certification for the product is achieved.
Ideally, the network operators would not want this setting altered at all let alone with the flick of a switch.

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guy-cashmore avatar image guy-cashmore commented ·
Thanks, it doesn't surprise me, I wasn't planning to use a manual switch for the function, more like auxiliary contacts on the changeover switch making it idiot proof.
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