
johnny-brusevold avatar image
johnny-brusevold asked

Log filled with Bluetooth error

I have a problem with a lot of noise from other bluetooth temperature sensors filling the message log, and since I live in a marina with about 500 boats, it was not easy to find out, but in the end I found the owner and found out what kind of sensor was causing the problem.

The easiest thing would probably be to put the sensor in a form of 'blacklist' if possible?

constantly this group with the message

Oct 11 23:07:17 raspberrypi2 user.err kernel: [95760.309585] Bluetooth: hci0: Dropping invalid advertising data
Oct 11 23:07:17 raspberrypi2 user.err kernel: [95760.309622] Bluetooth: hci0: Frame reassembly failed (-90)
Oct 11 23:07:17 raspberrypi2 user.err kernel: [95760.320943]

When the sensors are put in a box in the fridge it takes a couple of minutes and I get these messages and the stream of errors disappears

Oct 12 07:08:56 raspberrypi2 user.err kernel: [124659.392364] Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x2006 tx timeout
Oct 12 07:59:15 raspberrypi2 user.err kernel: [127678.948183] Bluetooth: hci0: Dropping invalid advertising data

Does anyone have a solution to this?

The sensor in question is this one


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