
mk1 avatar image
mk1 asked

What does ext control status mean ?

Hay whats this status mean ?

Works properly but dont know why is ext control status.


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3 Answers
dansonamission avatar image
dansonamission answered ·

Are you running the latest OS? I guess no one reads release notes.

a small change, but one that is good for everyone to know: after the upgrade, Multis and Quattros in a DVCC enabled BMS systems now report their state as External-control- instead of Bulk or Absorption. There is no bulk -> absorption -> float charge algorithm when controlled by BMS, and there never has been. This cosmetic adjustment more accurately displays what is actually happening with the battery charge profile when controlled by a BMS. This change will reduce questions like “Why does my system never go to float …is there something wron

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Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK answered ·

@mk1 Your system is operating on 'External Control'.


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mk1 avatar image mk1 commented ·

no, its on diffrent mode like this ;


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Jason - UK avatar image Jason - UK commented ·

@mk1 Mine is also on 'Optimised' (W/o BL) but mine has a different text on the same view.


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fkai avatar image
fkai answered ·


I also realized today, that "ext. control" is mentioned.

After reading many posts in this forum, I think I found the answer:

ESS - Multiplus status - VenusOS 2.92

"The status of a multi in an ESS has been external control for quite some time. It is the correct status as it is being controlled externally c/o DVCC."

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