
markus32 avatar image
markus32 asked

Multiplus II and Hoymiles Microinverters

The Multiplus II can control the output power of an inverter using the frequency: the higher the frequency the MP2 creates, the lower the output of the inverter. This works well with Fronius inverters.

Question: Does this also work with Hoymiles inverters? HM-1500 for example.

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ojack avatar image ojack commented ·
This would be interesting for me to.

I would like to install the single phase HM-1500 and the three phase HMT-1800-6t at ACout1 on a three Phase System of 3 MP2 3000.

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5 Answers
kai-fuchs avatar image
kai-fuchs answered ·

Are there any updates on this topic?

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jetlag avatar image
jetlag answered ·

I would say, yes, this should work. This is, as far as I remember, a request of the VDE AR-N-4105 (at least for Germany).

I don't have access to the docuement, but once had the chance to have an insight. It should be this chapter: Verhalten der Erzeugungsanlage am Netz - Wirkleistungsanpassung bei Über- und Unterfrequenz

And additionally, Andy from the Offgrid Garage, has such a combo running with the MP2 and some other "Micro-Inverter" and this works fust fine. Please check his youtube channel.

As the Hoymiles Inverters are all qualified against the german standard, I would say this should work.

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ojack avatar image
ojack answered ·

Yes it works with my Hoymiles HM-1500 and HMT-2250-6T.

And it should work with every inverter which fulfills the regulations of grid coupled operation.

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alexander-uhde avatar image
alexander-uhde answered ·

This does also work well with APSystems microinverters on my site.

But you should be aware that frequency shifting will only Work off-grid.

If the MP2 ist connected to the grid via Ac-in IT cannot shift the frequency on Ac-out.



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jetlag avatar image
jetlag answered ·

And the corresponding assistant in the MP2 must bei implemented.

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