
engmark avatar image
engmark asked

MultiPlus AC-IN and battery konfiguration


I have in mind to set up a couple of panels on the roof -> MPPT -> Battery bank 24v. Use the MultiPlus that has AC IN.

Two questions:

1. Is it possible to configure it to draw power from batteries first and then when they are drained to the level I have set, the AC IN kicks in and powers my stuff until the batteries have reached a certain level level again (using solar panels). Then AC IN is switched off and power is again taken from batteries.

2. Is it possible to "turn it off" so that nothing is sent out on the power grid?

Andreas, Sweden

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

This is exactly what ESS is, no power is ever sent to grid unless you set it to.

Grid is never "switched off", it remains connected with a very small amount being drawn and will only be used to cover loads beyond the inverter limit, or beneath battery charge limits.

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engmark avatar image engmark commented ·

Does it matter if I go for the MultiPlus model or do I have to buy MultiPlus 2?

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ engmark commented ·

I would suggest you use the more efficient MP2. Technically they should have feature parity, from an ESS perspective, but someone more experienced with that product line should confirm that for you.

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