
play3000 avatar image
play3000 asked

Quattro 24/5000 configuration


I have a Quattro system but just some doubts on configuration.
So far, system is composed of the Quattro, 3x LiFePO4 batteries 630Ah (that are not Victron and have a internal BMS), Cerbo GX, smart shunt with BMV712 smart ,2x Orions Smart Tr 24/24 and 2x MPPT 250/70.

So far, I will connect of MPPT, the UTP cable of Quattro and BMV712 (guess it is to the Cerbo GX. I have connected the temperature sensor to the Quattro.
I am just wondering if I need to connect anything else (like voltage control from batteries to the Quattro or else) or anything else for monitoring and ensure the management of batteries will be correct.

Also, I guess Quattro, MPPTs and Orions should be configured in Lithium batteries mode. Correct?


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


If you have configured (voltages and charge current) the system correctly then you wont have any issues if you run them 'dumb'.

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