
fallguy1000 avatar image
fallguy1000 asked

multiplus horizontal install

8475754d-9a82-4960-a6f9-d6005ea5e117.jpegIs this an acceptable install? Seems like heat would have a hard time leaving once furniture is set.

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2 Answers
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


Not good warranty will be voided. it will over temp and cause shuts downs and derate power output as not proper installation as per instruction.

Seen this before by other silly installers just causes issues.

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hjohnson avatar image hjohnson commented ·
MultiPlus Compact manual explicitly permits it, though vertical mounting is preferable.

From the manual:

"The appliance can be mounted horizontally as well as vertically; vertical mounting is preferable. The vertical position offers optimum cooling."

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hjohnson avatar image
hjohnson answered ·

Vertical is preferable, but as long as you have adequate airflow where it's located you're ok. My concern woudl be if that's mounted under a bed or some such, it may get too warm. In that case, you may need to add some additional forced (aka fan) ventilation.

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