
Sten avatar image
Sten asked

How does MPPT Smartsolar adaptive absorption behave with Lifepo4 battery?

Does the adaptive charging scheme for Lifepo4 behave in the same way as the charging scheme for lead batteries? Are the absorption time adapted at the same voltages or is it at all applying to Lifepo4 batterie scheme?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

With MPPT firmware revisions prior to v1.42 it used the same logic to determine adaptive absorption time length with lithium batteries (unless you have a BMS setup to control the charge cycle and the MPPT is a slave).

However with v1.42, if you select the lithium preset, the absorption period is FIXED for a duration of 2h (default setting).

v1.42 MPPT firmware is slowly being rolled out, but if your keen you can download the required firmware file from Victron Professional and update your MPPT manually:

The instructions to manually update firmware are in the VictronConnect online manual;

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