
faithful avatar image
faithful asked

Quattro 10000VA

Hi. Having solar panels and battery storage. I’m being told that I can’t have a Quattro 10000VAas it’s no grid tied compliant under a G99 application. And must have 2 x Multiplus 2.

And if I do have the Quattro it must be independently signed off/commissioned, not by the installer?

Does anyone have any expertise/experience on this at all please?

quattro 10kva
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4 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·
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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Quattro 10kVA has a G99 certificate.
See certificates section here:
Also, it is on the type testing register as compliant. On the ENA register, search for "Quattro" in the top left box.

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faithful avatar image
faithful answered ·

Thanks both! And do you know if it’s better to have the Quattro 10kva or 2 x Multiplus ii 5kva?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

It is better to have one big unit than two.

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faithful avatar image
faithful answered ·

I’ve been told that there is a relay that needs to be placed in front of the Quattro for grid tied solutions and that g59 commission need to happen before it is used. If that helps anyone or if anyone has any further comments. Thanks

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