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solarsnow asked

multiple victron-bluesolar-mppt-100-20-48v possible sideeffects


just joined the community as i am planning to extend my existing PV installation with a 3 phase Multiplus 5000/48v ESS.

i was looking to also extend the PV Array with 10 400Wp modules.

i figured out 2 reasonable configurations.

either i use 5 of the small 100/20 48V

or a large 250/70

honestly pricewise i would go for the 5 small ones but not the Smart one rather the Blue. understand that i need to then use 5 times a VE Direct connenction which would meen on a Cerbo a powered USB Hub with usb to VE Direct adapter to extend the 2 available ports. (might also go for a Raspi in the beginning) But this would allow a quite flexible installation.. an outage of 1 of the MPPT still would mean 4/5 production running and i might even keep one in spare.

i read that CPU/Load wise a Cerbo should handle this still.

what i wonder is that the calculator does not provide the BlueSolar version just the SmartSolar.... which i actually dont really need as far as i see only Bluethooth is the advantage.

Am i overlooking anything there? is this setup to cause any problem that i am not seeing yet? why is the BlueSolar not adviced?

already thanks for all the help. and i hope i did not violated any forum rules.


Background of the envisioned setup:

Running currently a Fronius Symo 10 with 9.88kWp so with 3 Multiplus already at next to the edge of what i can do AC side wise. intention to connect to AC OUT. additionally i would like to build up to ~40kWh Batterypack ...starting with ~14kWh. the additional 4kWp are for black start capability and to get more out in winter/bad time.

MPPT Controllers
2 |3000

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