
gnagflow avatar image
gnagflow asked

required fuse ac-in for 32A switch Multiplus 3000 (warranty issue??)


does someone know how to fuse the AC-IN - which should withstand 32A. But if I fuse it with 32A, I can use B, C or D characteristic - so I mean if i use C- characteristic fuse, the magnetic fuse will blow at about 7-10x 32A and the thermal switch will take some good time.

I cannot find any documentation by victron, just max. 32A. According this information i would have to fuse it with 6A B characteristic - someone know what i mean.

How can i save the warranty and the product and get out enough Amps.

What happens if i draw more than 32A on AC-OUT or much more is there maybe some safty device within the multiplus??

thank you

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Usually wiring is a locally regulated issue.

The limited warranty statement is found here. If you are not violating any of those conditions you will be fine.

On overload if inverting the inverter switches off with an overload alarm, if you have sized your battery and DC cabling correctly.

The passthrough current is much higher than inverting ability. See the datasheet for your model.

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