
john-heath avatar image
john-heath asked

Quattro 15000/48 anti islanding and no grid export

How can I connect and configure my Quattro 15000W to import from the grid, but not export to the grid and have anti islanding protection when the grid fails?

The system is still in the planning stage but I am proposing:

22kw of Panels (approx 55 x 400W panels)

5 Victron MPPT 250/100

15kw Victron Quattro

32kw of LifPo4 battery storage

I dont want to export to the grid and dont want to have to apply for DNO/G99 approval

I want to use the grid for extra load capacity when my demand exceeds the capacity of the Quattro or when the solar PV is not meeting my demand in the winter

Is what I want to do possible with a Quattro or would I also need an anti islanding relay?

and how is the Quattro connected to the grid and my AC supplies to achieve this

Many thanks for the answers following!

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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3 Answers
sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

Because the Quattro system you propose has at least a theoretical capability to export to the grid you will need to make a G99 application to the DNO. In my admittedly limited experience they will want you to have an approved way of limiting the possibile export current to 16A, and may want you separately to limit the inverter power to 3.68kW in all modes which clearly makes a nonsense of having such a big unit.

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

It is only possible for the unit to feed in when the ESS Assistant firmware modification has been loaded.

Without the ESS Assistant then the unit is only capable, when connected to the network, of taking energy from the network to pass through to loads and / or charge a battery.
Loads, including battery chargers, do not require DNO notification. We'd all have piles of forms for charging our laptops and mobile telephones otherwise.
The inverter can only run once the backfeed relays have opened up, in which case it is not connected to the network anymore.

An installer needs to make a concious decision and use specific software to modify the (password protected) firmware to allow grid feed in. Then the DNO should be notified with a G98 or an application submitted for G99, whichever is appropriate.

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albert avatar image
albert answered ·

Not sure if you have considered this:

You could have two completely separate AC systems, the off grid Quattro based system (no red tape) and a grid connected system (just a few power points). This could make sense if you expect only rarely to need more than 15kW (and perhaps for specific purposes).

In case your batteries are running low and you do not have sufficient solar output, you could recharge them using a DC charger connected to a grid connected powerpoint. You could also install one or more where large loads (>15kW) are planned.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

@John Heath

If you select the gridcode 'None' it can't export..


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sharpener avatar image sharpener commented ·
Yes but AFAIK you can't use the ESS Assistant either
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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ sharpener commented ·
Correct. Then you really need to consider why you need ESS at all. Especially when using it will almost certainly require the approval process.
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