
octogx avatar image
octogx asked

Y/D Load with a Three phase 90kw Quattro system

Hi Guys,

I have searched the forum for similar questions, but as with most installations the task i have is very specific.

I have to set up a 57kw submersible pump in a offgrid situation. The pump has two starter options Direct on Line and Y/D with respective 535a startup current (DOL) and 173a (Y/D) rated current is 99a

I'm looking at Victron kit as i have multiple 15 kw Quatrros at my disposal. I would be looking at using a 6 x 15 quattro's minimum.

Reading this forum i have read Victron staff confirming that a Delta load is not a problem, especially when using a VFD starter.

Has anyone installed a similar set up? Will using a VFD stop the 178a startup current from overloading the system? keeping the amps within the 99a running current?

rated genset on the pump manual mentions sizing genset 2.3 x kva of the pump which is equal to 131, i could theoretically install 9 x 15kw quattro's to get this closer to this recommendation but i don't think its needed as the oversizing of genset is there in recommendation to handle the surge current on startup.

I appreciate that this is likely the upper end of the inverters capability, but i want to explore this option as much as i can before looking into other solutions.

any help or guidance much appreciated.



MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

the VFD starter should limit the start current to a preset value (on the VFD). DOL starters should not be used for a motor this big - especially if starting under load. You may find that the initial starting torque requires somewhat higher than the running current, but significantly less than the 6 - 10x current spike of a dol or Y/D starter.

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