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eregister asked

Need help configuring 2-Multis for 208 Input

I have 2-24volt 3000 70amp Multiplus charger/inverters. They are wired with L1 to unit 1 and L2 to unit 2. I normally run them as split phase 50Amp. However I am currently at a park where the 50 amp appears to be 208 instead of 240v. Between L1 and L2 I read 212v with my meter. The units are not showing an Mains power. I've tried reconfiguring them to be Dual Phase 120 but they still don't show Mains power. I'm pretty sure when I was at a park before that had 208, that is what I did but maybe I'm missing something. I think I normally have L2 fixed, but maybe that needs changed?

Any help would be appreciated.



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1 Answer
eregister avatar image
eregister answered ·

Figured it out I needed to set the L2 to floating

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