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james-landers asked

Victron Quattro 12/500/220-2x100 120v

Looking for assistance

I have a quattro 5000 and everything has been working great until I think I experienced an overload.

Since that time the inverter turns on, the inverter light lights up, then it switches to mains on and bulk and the inverter light turns off. The inverter setting is on. The inverter seems to charge the battery. I get 129.6v back to the circuit breakers. I don't see any AC loads on the CerboGX. There does not seem to be enough power (Amps?) to power anything up. The AC GFIs just flicker.

I have the newest firmware installed.

Am I missing anything? Anything obvious I should be looking at or doing?

Any assistance is appreciated!


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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