
pierpaolo avatar image
pierpaolo asked

Wich SmartSolar MPPT solar charge will fit best my boat? 880 A 12 V battery bank, 610 W solar panels

MPPT Controllers
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
Is that 1 x 610w panel?
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pierpaolo avatar image pierpaolo klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
Hi. no is 2x 305W
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5 Answers
steegergrid avatar image
steegergrid answered ·

we need to know the voltage of your panels also. Also you can try Victrons mppt calculator.

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pierpaolo avatar image
pierpaolo answered ·

Hi Steegergrid. thanks for your reply. Unfortunately no chance to get info on panels voltage. I am not on the boat now. I would need to replace a Tristar Morningstar TS MPPT 60/M. Specs. are maximum battery current 60A, nominal maximum input power 800W. What would be the Victron SmartSolar equivalent?

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·
The voltage from the panels and how they are wired is critical to answer the question. Also temperature range
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steegergrid avatar image
steegergrid answered ·

If you're looking for a direct replacement for your morningstar a Victron Smartsolar 150/60 or without bluetooth Bluesolar 150/60 should do it, given the morningstar was wired and chosen correctly.

I just looked up the max voltage of the morningstar which is 150V so a Victron charger with the same maximum input voltage should work. 60 amp charge current can stay the same.

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pierpaolo avatar image
pierpaolo answered ·

Thanks Steergrid for helping me. I cannot see any SmartSolar 150/60 model. Would the 100/50 fit?

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