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techmuc asked

Smartsolar 250 mc4 / parallel via y connector


I have 2 strings á 4 panels on my roof individually connected to one SmartSolar 250/60 MC4. I want to add 4 additional panels to another inverter (non Victron, AC coupled).

To avoid adding an additional cable channel, i was thinking to use one of the existing string smart-solar cables for the new inverter.

So basically:

  • Today: 1st MC4 is connected to string 1; 2nd MC4 is connected to string 2
  • Future: 1st MC4 is connected to string 1 and 2 (which connected via Y-connector on the roof). 2nd MC4 is empty. The now "free" cable is used for the new inverter.

I guess this is 100% identical as also the SmartSolar is simply parallelizing the two mc4 connectors - to be sure: Is that correct, and the smartsolar will also work if I connect to strings connected via Y connector, and leave the other mc4 plug empty?



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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


As long as you stay under the 30A input current on a set of mC4 connection on the MPPT.

See tech specs

5) MC4 models: several splitter pairs may be needed to parallel the strings of solar panels. Maximum current per MC4 connector: 30A (the MC4 connectors are internally parallel connected to one MPPT tracker).

As far as I understand it is not referring to the unloaded state or short circuit but rather the running conditions.

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techmuc avatar image techmuc commented ·
No problem.. 30A is anyhow the restriction of the y splitter and the mc4 connector in general. I will stay at 20A
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