
mb1983k avatar image
mb1983k asked

Overload on Multiplus Compact 12/1600

Hi - I have a Camper Van and have conected it to external power with 16A Current Limit set on the Multi Control Plus. The external power has enough capacity to deliver 16A.

But everytime the power consumption is moving to a little bit over 2kW the system is having an overload failure… Is the Multiplus Compact not able to route the 16A to the camping van??? Is it only able to supply 2kW at its max, even if the inverter is not in use?

Many thanks!!!

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7 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Multi Control Plus.

What is a "Multi Control Plus" ??

Has your multi "synced" (connected) to the incoming mains?

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mb1983k avatar image
mb1983k answered ·

Sorry - should be „Digital Multi Control“ and not „Multi Control Plus“.

How can I check if it is „synced“?

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

What sort of loads are these? Hair dryers, heat guns, coffee machines etc?

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mb1983k avatar image
mb1983k answered ·

Air condition only…

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

How can I check if it is „synced“?

The manuals give these clues.



It looks like once the mains is connected and synced to the multi, the multi goes into charge mode. (inverter led goes out, charge led goes on/blink)

12-1600-70-1.png (135.8 KiB)
12-1600-70-2.png (474.7 KiB)
1 comment
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mb1983k avatar image mb1983k commented ·
This one looks fine…
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mb1983k avatar image
mb1983k answered ·

Will check this afterwards… The interesting thing is that the Overload occur without activating the inverter… even not for a short amount of time…

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mb1983k avatar image
mb1983k answered ·

Does anyone know the max. possible Ampere value generated with 16A external power + Inverter? Just identified that the Air Conditioning unit may have a starting current of 28A for 150ms… might this be the issue?

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
This is why I asked. Common problem, probably need a soft start unit for the compressor.
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mb1983k avatar image mb1983k nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
But it typically happens after a long time with the AC running smoothly……
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ mb1983k commented ·

With time and temperature increasing the inverter will derate so that may contribute. Just speculation. Small inverters and aircon its always a good idea to soft start for mobile applications.

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mb1983k avatar image mb1983k nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
But with 16A external power (16A is the fuse - so it will provide much more for a short time) I do not understand the issue to be honest when the Victron just „route this through“…
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Willem avatar image Willem nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Are there power surge limiters that do their job without you intervening inside the air conditionar?

For example, in a Truma everything is on a circuitboard, so adding a softstarter seems difficult to me. Anyone have a suggestion?

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

Does anyone know the max. possible Ampere value generated with 16A external power + Inverter?

The GT18 plugs are rated at 20a.

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