
Stuart avatar image
Stuart asked

BMV700 not showing correct state of charge.

Hello everyone. I'm doing a test on my setup. Lithium battery stand alone for test purposes. BMV700 connected and a small fridge using 4A. The problem is my BMV has synchronised and is currently showing 98.2% after an hour of working with the fridge. The BMW is also showing the 4A being used but is only showing 13 hours remaining for a 100Ah battery. For me that means around 50Ah remaining so the battery is at around 50%. Is there a way to set this manually? I am totally lost. I do not have the dongle for bluetooth so have to do everything on the BMV itself.

BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @lowplainstu

The setting you're likely talking about is the 'Discharge Floor'. I think it comes defaulted to 50% (for Pb batt users), so the time remaining is calculated down to that. And yes, it's adjustable. If you haven't already, grab a copy of the manual from the Victron website.

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Stuart avatar image Stuart commented ·
Thanks John.

So for my lithium I could drop this down to 0 theoretically but for safety could set it at 10%. Is the relay part of the bmv and if not, can I disable this function. I have the full manual but it's a minefield .

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ Stuart commented ·
Yes it works like that. I don't look at that part of my own, but I imagine it could be disabled if set to 100%?

These are great devices, and the manual comprehensive. If you really want the best from it, learn about the mines.. :)

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Stuart avatar image Stuart JohnC ♦ commented ·
I'm mine sweeping as I write ;)

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