
c01s avatar image
c01s asked

Get total energy generated by a pv system in their lifetime

Hi all!

I would like to fetch the overall energy a pv system has generated in their lifetime, in an hourly interval via the Rest API. This is needed as I do want to do that programmatically. I don't have direct access to the devices, only via the API.

According to the documentation, it is possible to get the energy information for a defined interval (start-end) and granularity using the following endpoint: v2/installations/{installation ID}/stats.

This however is only available for the last 5 years. If the system is older than 5 years, any information about previously generated energy would be lossed.

Unfortunately also the "v2/installations/1039/overallstats" endpoint only returns datapoints, which are for the current year (or month, or current week).

The question is now, is there a possibility to get the overall energy, generated by the pv system? Or would I need to use the "v2/installation/{installation ID}/stats" endpoint for the sum of the last 5 years?

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c01s avatar image c01s commented ·

Bumping this, is there any support from Victron maybe?

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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


If you have Victron DC MPPTs you can get the lifetime total off the unit itself.


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c01s avatar image
c01s answered ·

@Alexandra sorry, I forgot to mention it, unfortunately I don't have direct access to the devices, I only have access to the API :( Is it possible to fetch that value via the REST API?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

That is above my 'play' grade. It is not reported to the GX directly or to the VRM widgets, so no idea there.

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johanndo avatar image
johanndo answered ·

You can read the history statistics of your MPPT controllers if you haven't reset them in the meantime. They are in your BT App, on your Cerbo in the charger detail pages. Charger device, System Yeld.

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c01s avatar image c01s commented ·

Hi, sorry did not mention that in the post before, I do only have access to the rest API. Is there any way to get that from there?

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johanndo avatar image johanndo c01s commented ·

Not specified what the rest API is in the Victron world, you need to do some more digging if you cannot get on the devices. There are no web service interfaces, but you can use MQTT to subscribe to messages.

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c01s avatar image c01s johanndo commented ·

I am referencing to this docu [1]. I got the endpoints from there, they also provide a sandbox for testing.


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