
Frederic Dumarey avatar image
Frederic Dumarey asked

ESS based on battery voltage

Dear all,

I have this setup:

- LifePoFe4 24V 560Ah wit JBD BMS

- Multiplus 24/4000/120, not on VE bus, on latest firmware version

- BlueSolar MPPT 150/60 (1500W solar panels), not on VE bus

- BlueSolar MPPT 150/35 (750W solar panels), not on VE bus

- 2000W solar micro-invertors on output,

- I allow feed-in to grid

- not using Cerbo or Venus; using VEConfig and VictronConnect app

Idea is to be ESS max self consumption. My problem is that with mains connected, it either feeds through the mains when high SoC(voltage) instead inverting and/or charges the battery from mains instead solar when low SoC (voltage).

I can do these satisfying functions, but not both together

1. PV inverter support (0180) always charges from mains input

2. ESS (017E) always feeds through mains input (even when > 28V or >90% SoC)

3. conditional AC input control (enables virtual switch --> disables assistants), ignores PV on output

As there is no bus, it can only work on voltage (SoC cannot be estimated by Multiplus), but I cannot configure in ESS (2) as I can do in conditional input (3).

Any suggestions? many thanks !


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

ESS doesn’t work without a GX, veconfigure and victron connect app isn’t a replacement.

All the devices need to be connected to one.

Refer to the ESS setup guide.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
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Frederic Dumarey avatar image Frederic Dumarey nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @nickdb ,

thanks for the quick reply.

I had read the ESS setup guide before, thank you for reaching it out. As the ESS assistant via VEConfig does not mention the need for Cerbo / Venus, I hoped to get it working without. Some documentation was giving me the impression it could work.

Your answer seem to confirm my tests, it's not working without Venus/Cerbo.

My goal is to learn and test the configurations and learn from it.

Thank you very much.

Kind regards,


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