
daniedp avatar image
daniedp asked

Multiplus and smart solar communication

Good day

I currently have a multiplus 12/1600/70 , I also have the ve smart dongle, to monitor the inverter remotely.I would like to connect a 100/20 amp smartsolar MPPT to it, to enable to also charge through solar.

Will the multiplus and MPPT communicate with each other via Bluetooth or do I need to set something up, as to ensure I am not overcharging my LifePO4 lithium battery?

Thank you

Multiplus-IIMPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You will need to get a gx device like the cerbo.

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daniedp avatar image daniedp commented ·
thank you for the response.

would that be the only way ?

i run a very simple system, the gx is a bit of an overkill on my small system

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ daniedp commented ·
You could probably use a Pi but that's beyond my realm.
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