
anhoume avatar image
anhoume asked

Recover after messing up dbus system.conf?

After upgrading my cerbo gx, I was re-enabling remote dbus communications in /etc/dbus-1/system.conf as I have done many times before. Appearantly I didn't get it right this time. After restart it won't start up anymore. :( How can I recover? I tried factory reset as described in the manual, but it didn't seem to work.

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4 Answers
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

The system.conf is not configuration related as you have dropped down into the OS and changed a non configurable file from the UI perspective. Therefore the factory reset will not help as it just resets the user modifiable configuration and not the OS.

You would need to trigger a boot from the backup firmware. That requires opening the case and getting a serial interface into the system. During boot you can then trigger a swap to the backup firmware.

A usb to serial adapter such as this will be needed

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anhoume avatar image
anhoume answered ·

Ok, that sounds doable. Will give it a try tomorrow. Thanks!

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anhoume avatar image
anhoume answered ·

Again, thanks! Worked just fine. Didn't have to swap firmware, I could just edit the system.conf and remove my added 3 lines. Wish I hadn't tried the factory reset. It did cost me a couple of hours to get my settings back to normal. :)

I'm a little confused though. The lines perfectly matched what was supposed to be there(?!) Some invisible garbage character must have in there somehow. I really wish there was a simple setting in the GUI to enable/disable dbus/tcp.

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johanndo avatar image johanndo commented ·

img-20220813-191330.jpgWhat is dbus tcp and why would you want to disable it?

Or do you mean modbus TCP?

It is in the settings, Services

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bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

I maintain a copy of the updated file and just copy it over after an update. Concerned that editing it by hand I may miss something and end up with a system light will not boot. Like you I wish there was a toggle switch in the UI

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