
inetblue avatar image
inetblue asked

Multiplus 12/3000 - Low Charging Amperage

I am plugged into a 30 Amp outlet via shore power using AC Input1. As I watch charging Amperage, I am only charging at 17 Amps. How can I maximize Charging amperage i.e. utilize the capacity of a 30 Amp circuit/breaker? I am charging a 12 VDC Lithium Iron Phosphate battery bank with 912 AH.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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3 Answers
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

Likely causes:

Poor connection between inverter and battery.

Battery already near full and in absorption phase unable to accept higher current.

Thin wires.

MP not configured correctly:

  • Input current restriction
  • Absorption voltage too low
  • charge current restriction
  • Weak AC input enabled
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inetblue avatar image inetblue commented ·
Thanks @snoobler , I will look into configuration as I know I, have good connection between inverter and battery, and I know battery is in bulk phase. If working at maximum performance, how many amps should I expect? Is the limiting factor the 30 amp breaker?
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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @inetblue@inetblue

The "17A" you've quoted is at what Voltage? 12Vdc, 230Vac, or 120Vac? I suspect it might be 120Vac, in which case you may already be working right up there at the charge limit of what your Multi is rated at. If you have access to the Multi settings you could check what limits are set, both dc and ac.

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inetblue avatar image inetblue commented ·

@JohnC thanks for the input. Yes, its 120 Vac and charging a 12 Vdc battery bank. Ultimately my question is what is the Victron 12/3000 rated at for charging amps? If 105 Amps is the maximum charging amps from the 12/3000 then I will know I just have to wait longer to charge my 912, Amp-Hour battery bank. If it can output more then I will start digging into the settings. My 1st attempt did not find where these settings are..

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ inetblue commented ·


I checked a couple of 120V models and they were both 120A. At (say) 14V that's 1680W. Add in efficiency loss and maybe a little background load and it's not hard to see your 17A (120V) observation.

But I believe that some Multi's come with a lower default charge setting, and you may need to access it to make sure it's set at it's full max.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

It is rated to 120A at 25C. At peak performance it is likely starting to derate a bit.

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