
candide avatar image
candide asked

Error code 14 for no reason

I have a Multiplus II 3kVA 230V. I've been camping in my RV off-grid for 4 weeks now, and 2 days ago I suddenly got unexplained Error codes 14.

- Everything has been working for 3 weeks: cooking, baking bread, making coffee, fridge...

- Suddenly 2 days ago the Multiplus raised error 14 with an AC load of approx. 2300W after 2 minutes. Error kept returning after recovery.

What I've tried:

- disconnecting the VE.bus cable on Multiplus and Cerbo side. Error 14 returned at Pac=2300W

- deleting all assistants (relay assistants)

- switching off- and on the multiplus.

After all this, the Multiplus worked fine for approx. 20hrs WITH the VE.bus cable connected, running the fridge and other low power loads.

- Next evening, running the electric grill at 2200W for a minute, error 14 returned, very occassionaly alternating with error code 5.

After trying all again, disconnecting VE.bus cable, removing all assistants... the error kept returning.

Now, after disconnecing the battery normal operation resumed. No VE.bus error with the original cabling and with all assistants enabled like before.

So it seems, error 14 came out of nowhere. My system is in a small space, having to disconnect cables during holidays to trouble shoot spurious errors on brand new expensive equipment is no fun at all.

Anyone else having the same/similar problem? And solution?

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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


If it is in a small space it is possible you are getting heat related problems.

VE bus error 14 is a comms issue.

5 is weird since you don't have a split phase system. But maybe a short in AC wiring is to blame or loose connections?

With thermal cycling maybe something has worked loose somewhere.

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candide avatar image
candide answered ·

Thanks for your suggestions. It's in a small space to work on, but the multi has plenty of space around it. Furthermore, I'm in a windy area with service door open, so no heat buildup

If temperature was an issue, the multi should give a temperature related error. No comms error. During the repetitive occurence of this error, the multiplus was cool to the touch. After cycling the battery connection, my grill worked and I pulled 2300W for 30mins. The multi was uncomfortable hot to the touch, but error 14 didn't occur. The suggestion of an AC wiring issue: installation is new, ferrules used, proper tighting torques, new cables.

After cycling the battery voltage, operation remained error-free. Baked a baguette this morning at 2200W fried eggs at 1250W and brewed coffee at 1500W. So that pretty much rules out the wiring issue.

So the error must have been caused by something else than wiring or temperature. Maybe bad connection between control board and main board of the multi?

Any user seen this/similar course of events before?

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crojas avatar image
crojas answered ·

VID20221115121956.mp4I have the same issue on a Quatro inverter connected to three phase system. It was working ok since May.

Two weeks ago the inverter went to overload mode with no load. Then, the lights started blinking with 14 code error. Overload led light is permanently on since then.

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