
eufrades avatar image
eufrades asked

Can I feed two mppts in series?

I currently have one 100/20 smart solar, I am planning to expand my system, but I don’t want the expense of running another pair of wires from a second arrow to the second mppt. Can I for example assemble a 200v array and connect the two mppts in series so they both see 100v? My 200v number is just an example, I wouldn’t go that close to the full rating,

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
johanndo avatar image
johanndo answered ·

No, it would not work, when one is reducing it's resistance seeking the MPP, it would increase the voltage on the other and maybe toast it.

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eufrades avatar image eufrades commented ·
Fantastic, that is the type of response I was hoping for.

Thank you very much.

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