
Vlad Merticariu avatar image
Vlad Merticariu asked

Turning MPPT SCC on/off via VEDirect


I have an 100/30 SCC, connected with a VEDirect - USB cable to a raspberry pi. I can read information from the SCC, such as panel voltage, battery voltage, history etc, but I didn't find a way to turn the charger on or off, or changing settings.

Does anyone know a way?


P.S. I can't run VenusOS on the pi as it controls other sensors in my installation. The pi does have bluetooth, so if an equivalent solution via bluetooth exists that would work as well.

MPPT Controllers
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
Why would you want to turn your mppt off?
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Vlad Merticariu avatar image Vlad Merticariu klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
Normally I wouldn't, but it runs in a remote location and I want to have this option in case of emergency (e.g. fire, flood etc).
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ Vlad Merticariu commented ·
How would shutting down your mppt be beneficial should the installation be impacted by fire or flood?
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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You can disable it via bluetooth or the internet (requires a gx or similar) using the victron connect app.

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Vlad Merticariu avatar image Vlad Merticariu commented ·
Thank you for your answer, but I couldn't find a way to run the victron connect app on rpi (arm). Is there one?
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ Vlad Merticariu commented ·

So you would need a pi or the like with venus os and you need internet access to VRM. You could then remotely from your phone disable the charger from the app.

Without internet access and a gx/venus, you're a little stuck.

You can disable the charger also via node red automation, but this too requires a venus with the large image.

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johanndo avatar image
johanndo answered ·

You need a wired connection to the Cerbo /Venus (raspberrypi), you need a Ve.Direct to USB cable, so the Venus can communicate to the MPPT controller, BT is not an option.

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Vlad Merticariu avatar image
Vlad Merticariu answered ·

Thanks all for your answers, they are all valid options. I solved it by using usbip on the pi, which exposes the USB connected MPPT to an x86 machine running linux, where I can run the Victron Connect app.

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