
tgr23 avatar image
tgr23 asked

Shore power charging issues

We are plugged into shore power (60hz) and my chargers are not charging in bulk mode.

My charging system: Skylla IP65, 2x. Multiplus 12/3000/120. Solar is providing very little 200watts.

The battery SOC is at 74%. When I turned on the Skyllas one goes into bulk mode the other storage mode. The Multiplus is in float. Shouldn't all the charges go into bulk mode at this SOC?

Batteries are LiFePO4.

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2 Answers
Gerardo avatar image
Gerardo answered ·

Hi tgr23,

What do you have a control hub in your system, any GX device?

How do you read the SOC of the batteries? Are the LiFePO4 batteries BMS managed or do you use a shunt for monitoring?

The issue could be because a miscommunication between the batteries and chargers.


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tgr23 avatar image
tgr23 answered ·

I am using a cerbo GX.

Batteries are internally managed with a BMS (Kilavolt brand).

I also think it must be software related. This is my first install as complicated as this. I'm not sure where to start with the conflict in the system. We are seldom in a marina and usually just need our solar for charging.

Thank you for the reply!

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