
fallguy1000 avatar image
fallguy1000 asked

Orion TR Smart configuration bulk time limit

So, can I set the bulk time limit to a very low number like one minute? And then does the unit go back to a time delay to start again? Or does it just check for low voltage and begin again?

So, could I trick the Orion to only charging one minute every four minutes to protect my alternators? Otherwise, feel like Orions are putting my small 33A alternators at risk.

Orion TR Smart 12/24-15

Thanks for any reply. I had a thread on current limiting as well, but did not get a good answer on this idea.

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Sorry, there's nothing like this in the Orion.

What might work is to use a microprocessor to switch it on and off via the L/H terminals.

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fallguy1000 avatar image fallguy1000 commented ·
That would be a great device for Victron to dev!
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