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markus-storm asked

How to force (dis)charging via Modbus

I'd like to use modbus to set the amount of power the inverter uses to charge or discharge the battery with - independent of what's coming from the root.
In the modbus Excel I've found registers 2700, 2703 (same as 2700 ??), 2704 ("current" but in W ??) but would not know how to exactly use them for the aforementioned purpose.

Unfortunately I don't have more than the register list so I'm missing all the explanations to fully understand what's supposed to happen when I cahnge those parameters or which parameters else I would need to look at. Could anyone please explain how to (dis)charge a specific amount of energy or power ?
Is it after all the right approach or would I need to use 2701/2702 (they're percentages that I don't know either what they mean) ?

thanks for any help

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