
danjorourke avatar image
danjorourke asked

Help with fuse size MPPT


I have a Victron 100/20 MPPT (IP43) and would like to know what size of fuse I need between the battery and the MPPT.

I have a choice between two types of battery cable with in-built fuse where I live in Denmark. I can either get:

- 20a fuse on a 4mm2 (12amg) cable

- 30a fuse on a 6mm2 (10amg) cable

I will be running 2 x 110w solar panels, battery is 100ah.

Many thanks

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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

I would go with the 6mm² cable with 30A fuse.
A 20A fuse is too small.

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gman85 avatar image
gman85 answered ·

I would do the same as wkirby

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Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

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