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zdenek-trnka asked

Modbus TCP/IP

Good day,

I have a 5.4 kWp VICTRON photovoltaic system.

3x converter Multiplus II 3000 48V

1x regulator MPPT 150 / 100Tr*(5.8 kW)

I will expand the power plant with 10 450 Wp panels and one MPPT 150/100 Tr controller.

I wanted to ask about changing parameters via the Modbus TCP/IP protocol from the superior measurement and control system.

According to the development of SPOT electricity prices, it is possible to decide online from the measurement and regulation system whether electricity will be supplied for home consumption, or whether the batteries are to be charged, or whether the electricity is to be supplied to the grid, or electricity to be supplied to the grid also from batteries. All this automatically, without the need for operator intervention?

Could you please tell me what the addresses are?

Modbus TCP
2 |3000

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